As a Banker, we all busy in achieving targets in liability products, Asset products, Third party products. Ver busy! Exactly, No time at all for us. In the mean time we are not able to empower the customers and sell the wrong product which is not required by the customer. Next time when he will realize that the bank wala sold him wrong product, the relationship will turn into sour. The banker will loose the customer forever. Does the story seem to get connected with you? Yes, it's the story of every banker who does not do any homework and just sell the useless products of the insurance company only to achieve the target without understanding the requirement of the customers, features of the product, capability of the customers. So it becomes very important for the Banker to know what are the Six steps formula He/ She should always practice in his/ her life. when you practice in your life, you will exactly ask your customers to do investment in such financial products. Believe me, ...