SINGAPORE Ladies and Gentleman, today we will read out the story of a man (Our Hero) who turned the small island of Singapore from a slum colony to one of the richest nations in the world. From our first part we knew, in 1965 Singapore was already facing an economic crisis and apart from that they had no natural resources, no population advantage, no industries,very less factories and most importantly their biggest employer, that is, the British Army was planning to leave which was about to wipe out 20% of their GDP. BASICALLY, EVERY POSSIBLE OBSTACLE THAT YOU CAN THINK ABOUT TO PULL THE COUNTRY DOWN TO EXTREME POVERTY WAS BEING FACED BY SINGAPORE. So the question is:- Who is this Leader? What was his strategy? And more importantly what can a country like India learn from the incredible case study of Singapore? This incredible person That i am talking about is Lee Kuan Yew and his strategy can be summarised in 3 important pillars that laid down the foundations for Sing...