
Showing posts with the label CASE STUDY

Banking and Elite Class; Banking By PSBs

 Many discussions are on by many persons whose life will be impacted by the banking industry. Many who do not have any knowledge about the banking operations are also jumped to give his/ her opinions. This is particularly happen in INDIA. But Graduates join Banking industry through either IBPS or Walk-in. So both pattern has their uniqueness. One makes graduate guarantee basic plus da. But other form does not guarantee any pay structure rather showcase rosy pictures like ESOP, INCENTIVE. So both are having Pros & Cons. Now put HR things aside. Come straight to Customers. Customers for PSBs are all. But Elites are thinking Private Sector Banks are giving value. But it is actually illusion. As all banks are technology driven and also provide Credit cards. So basically there is no difference.           So, customers need to be trapped so that they will stick to an individual bank. It is the philosophy of every bank irrespective of bank types. But on o...

Banking Definition From India's Perspective

This article will definitely help all the bankers worked in any banks as well as the students preparing to enter the banking industry space.  Banking is very simple but many claim it to be very difficult. But Banking is in simple terms- DEPOSIT-ADVANCE-RECOVERY . But in the name of universal banking banks are trying to become omnichannel through which banks try to cater all types of facilities to customers so that customers hook to them. It's the simple strategy used by all leading private sector banks as well as public sector banks in India.  CUSTOMER is the main component of the banking ecosystem. This is not clearly understood by the bankers working in many PSBs. If we look very very carefully, we will discover that many are not having any interest to do the business. Before entering the banking sector they might have rosy pictures in their mind for which they feel dissatisfied when they join banks. Here the main skill which every bankers need to have that is communication...

BIG is the Criteria for Success of the Banks?

Hi, Everybody                         Do you believe in having big balance sheet to be the criteria for success of the banks? If you are convinced because of the theories put forth in front of you then I must say this notion is very much hypothetical. Rather vision is the important criteria which will drive you to the spot of success. Many try to bring all customer segments into their fold. In this process they not only hurt almost all customers, but also loose many customers. But they don't think it is the primary reason for the loss they suffer in the banking business. But they try to push for their own fancy products to the customers which are profitable in the form one time commission, but customers who are the main ingredient for their profitability get hurt financially in the process. As customer’s requirement is not the main agenda to study by the so called relatio...


We all know this as crisis of 2008. But many do not know clearly this crisis. In USA the banks gave loans to SUB PRIME customers.  Who are SUB PRIME CUSTOMERS?  The one who are not prime customers, that is, below prime customers. Who are PRIME CUSTOMERS? The customers who can pay back the loans easily. Also having the good credit score and has not done any default in the past. So they get loans at attractive interest rates. But subprime customers are having very low credit score. Also they are not given any loans if they default in past. But between 2004-2006, these loans increased too much. Historically subprime loans used to be 8% of the total loans but it increased to be 20% of the total loans by 2006.Along with this prices of the properties also started increasing. Why prices of the property had increased? All these subprime loans given by a bank, Further that bank used to create fancy securities; these securities were called mortgage-backed-securities and their derivative...


 SINGAPORE Ladies and Gentleman, today we will read out the story of a man (Our Hero) who turned the small island of Singapore from a slum colony to one of the richest nations in the world.  From our first part we knew, in 1965 Singapore was already facing an economic crisis and apart from that they had no natural resources, no population advantage, no industries,very less factories and most importantly their biggest employer, that is, the British Army was planning to leave which was about to wipe out 20% of their GDP. BASICALLY, EVERY POSSIBLE OBSTACLE THAT YOU CAN THINK ABOUT TO PULL THE COUNTRY DOWN TO EXTREME POVERTY WAS BEING FACED BY SINGAPORE. So the question is:- Who is this Leader? What was his strategy? And more importantly what can a country like India learn from the incredible case study of Singapore? This incredible person That i am talking about is Lee Kuan Yew  and his strategy can be summarised in 3 important pillars that laid down the foundations for Sing...


 Ladies and gentleman, we all know Singapore to be the developed country it is now but just few decades back it was considered to be an underdeveloped country.  Today we will discuss  and take you in a visit of Singapore's Transformation journey from a struggling island Nation to a thriving metropolis. Hi everybody, The evolution of Singapore is one of the most fascinating case studies in the modern world history. While our generation knows Singapore as a beautiful, fully developed country, very few of us know that just a few decades ago in the 1950s, Singapore looked like this.  The unemployment rate was high. Communal riots were erupting from time to time and the land of Singapore itself was one of the largest slum colonies in the world. And not just that Unlike other countries, Singapore had some severe disadvantages, they neither had a large population to depend on nor did they have vast lands and most importantly they did not have any natural resources like coal...

How ABG Shipyard pulled off the BIGGEST Banking Fraud in Indian History?

Hi, everybody on 7th of february 2022 the CBI booked abg shipyard its directors and ABG international pvt ltd for allegedly causing losses of Rs 22842 cr to consortium of 28 banks. INTRODUCTION ABG shipyard once considered to be a powerhouse in ship building with an order book of Rs 16600 cr is now under investigation for pulling off the biggest banking fraud in indian history. Now just to give you guys a context of how big a fraud this is if you see neerav modi pulled off a 11356 cr scam and vijay mallya pulled off a scam of Rs 9000 cr both of them together account for Rs 20356 cr of scam but ABG SHIPYARD alone amounts to 22842 cr  The question is how does the shipping industry function in the first place. What is the story of ABG shipyard and how did they manage to pull off such a big scam right in front of the banks in the country. Understanding About SHIPPING INDUSTRY The first thing you need to understand is how does the shipping industry operate to put in simple words the...