(This post explains important ratios are to be examined while
appraising a term loan project. The article also deals with how to compute
break even point, how to calculate DSCR (Debt service Coverage ratio)
for the period of repayment of the loan, how to arrive fixed asset coverage
ratio and important financial indicators. The assessment of DPG/APG
etc is done in the same method how term loan is assessed, as they are the
substitution of the term loan.)
Term loan appraisal
covers the appraisal of the borrower and appraisal of the project. The
characteristics of a term loan are that term loan commitments are to be of long
term. The banks and financial institutions normally offer term loans repayable
in 10-15 years and beyond that period in exceptional cases like housing
loans. The repayment would be made out of cash generated from business
activities. Appraisal of the borrower covers the honesty and integrity of the
borrower, the standing of the borrower, business capacity, managerial
competence, and financial resources in relation to the size of the project. The
sources of information for the above are the personal interview, credit
investigation, trade circle inquiries, market report, existing bank’s
report, CIBIL report, assets and liabilities statements submitted by the
borrowers, Income Tax assessment orders, and wealth tax assessment orders of
promoters. Reports from credit rating companies, assistance from ‘Venture
Capitalists’ (ex: UTI ventures, ICICI ventures, etc.) may also be obtained, RBI
defaulter list, Newspapers, and magazines, information from employees at the
time of unit inspection, etc.
To start with the following information shall be collected from
prospective borrowers.
What is the cost of the project and arrangements to meet the finance for
completing the project?
Projected Balance sheets and profit and loss statements up to the period till
TL repayment is completed.
Cash flow and funds flow estimates up to the period till TL repayment is
The appraisal of the project also covers the following details.
Commercial Viability of the project: Line of business, demand-supply, profit
margin, imports, exports, list of important customers and suppliers, the extent
of competition, costing and pricing, mechanism of the product, dependence on
single or few customers or suppliers, prevailing Government policies, embargo,
etc. are to be evaluated
Production Arrangement: Power, water supply, transport, infrastructure
facilities like Proximity to the source of raw materials, stores, and other
production facilities, workforce, etc. The Manager has to visit the place of
the factory to see that the business exists at the address furnished and also
to ascertain the infrastructure available, and the level of activity and make a
preliminary report on his/her visit which includes an inspection report on
prime and collateral security offered.
The Manager has to familiarise the borrower’s business and form opinions
about adequate labour strength, maintenance of the factory, godown, etc.
Technical feasibility (process should be contemporary): Proper layout of the
factory, quality of machinery, efficient disposal, availability of technical
staff to run the factory. It should be seen, if sufficient raw material,
labour, and other utilities like power, and water are available for the
projected level of production.
Market conditions & marketing arrangements: Demand, supply, pricing, etc.,
after the completion of the project/ installation of new machinery. Names of
the main buyers, names of major competitors, and their total market shares.
5. Financial appraisal: Past financial statements like profit and
loss accounts, and balance sheets. The correlation between fixed assets and
undercharging of depreciation, operating loss position, the contribution of
other income to net profit, valuation of closing stock, borrowings and interest
cost, the extent of reserve created by revaluation of assets, unsecured loan
shown as quasi-equity, movement of unsecured loans over the years, borrower’s
stake in the business, investment in intangible assets, other non-current
assets. Acceptability of projection and assumption considered for the
assessment, profitability estimate, solvency ratio i.e. ability to service
outside liabilities like TOL/TNW, Funded Debt/TNW, etc. Liquidity position like
networking capital and current ratio. Break Even Point and DSCR calculation.
Repayment plan. The major problems concerning term finance are maturity
mismatch, funding risk, and Interest rate risk (IRR).
above aspects are to be carefully looked into while fixing loan amounts and
repayment installments. The repayment of the Term Loan should be fixed after
studying Cash flow statements according to the cash accruals. The unit must be
in a position to generate sufficient cash flows to serve the Term Loan
installment and interest during the repayment period.
Clearance from appropriate government agencies: Consents, approvals &
environment clearance aspects.
Non-fund-based facilities: Apart from the term loan, a project may also require
non –fund based facilities like Deferred Payment Guarantee, Co-acceptance,
Buyers credit, etc. Assessment of non-fund-based limits in such cases.
SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats)
Over invoicing in the case of term loan proposal to be guarded against.
Enquiries about suppliers of machinery.
The value of primary and collateral securities in relation to the amount of
Balance sheets of group companies/firms to be analysed if there is an
investment of more than 10% in that company by the borrower/loan applicant.
13. Debtors due from group companies/firms.
Financial Indicators:
Indicators cover the present and their projections. The following ratios are to
be examined for actual and future projections for the period of repayment of
the loan.
Sales & Profitability [Profitability of the project depends upon the sale
price, sales volume, and cost of production and establishment and sales
overheads. Sales price should be compared with the competing products and sales
volume can be ascertained based on installed capacity and capacity utilization
of the project.]. While examining the cost of production & profitability,
the break-even point (BEP) of the project should be worked out. BEP indicates
the minimum level of output as a percentage of full capacity at which the
project starts yielding profits.
(ii). Tangible net worth,
(iii). TOL/TNW ratios
(iv). Debt Equity Ratio.
(v). Fixed asset coverage ratio
for a term loan.
Calculation of DSCR (Debt Service Coverage
Calculation of DSCR (Debt Service Coverage
Ratio): While sanctioning a term loan to a borrower the banks and financial
institutions essentially calculate the DSCR.
Debt-Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) is a method of calculating the repayment
ability of multiple debt obligations including proposed term loan installments.
The ratio states net operating income as a multiple of debt obligations due
within one year, including interest, principal, sinking fund, and lease
payments (total debt service).
The formula for finding out the debt
service coverage ratio (DSCR)
DSCR =(Profit
after Tax+ Depreciation+ Interest on Term Loan)÷ (Interest on Term Loan+
Installment amount of Term Loan). i.e. net operating income divided by total
debt service. DSCR less than 1 suggests
the inability of a firm’s profits to serve its debts whereas a DSCR greater
than 1 means the borrower is able to serve the debt obligations. The acceptable
industry norm for a debt service coverage ratio is between 1.5 to 2. To have a
conclusive idea about the debt-serving ability of the borrower, it is advisable
to DSCR for the entire period of a loan instead of only for one year.
Analysis: Sensitive analysis is to be done for
term loan assessment by slightly changing the assumption in the project. This
is done to see the impact of adverse changes in the assumption.
Assessment of
DPG/APG: Assessment of DPG is done in the same
method term loan is assessed, as it is a substitution of the term loan.
Assessment of Advance Payment Guarantee (APG) is done in the same way for
fund-based limits. Since the borrower receives advance payment for the material
to be supplied by him at a future date, the advance received should be reduced
from the working capital gap.