
Showing posts from November, 2022

Banking Definition From India's Perspective

This article will definitely help all the bankers worked in any banks as well as the students preparing to enter the banking industry space.  Banking is very simple but many claim it to be very difficult. But Banking is in simple terms- DEPOSIT-ADVANCE-RECOVERY . But in the name of universal banking banks are trying to become omnichannel through which banks try to cater all types of facilities to customers so that customers hook to them. It's the simple strategy used by all leading private sector banks as well as public sector banks in India.  CUSTOMER is the main component of the banking ecosystem. This is not clearly understood by the bankers working in many PSBs. If we look very very carefully, we will discover that many are not having any interest to do the business. Before entering the banking sector they might have rosy pictures in their mind for which they feel dissatisfied when they join banks. Here the main skill which every bankers need to have that is communication...

BIG is the Criteria for Success of the Banks?

Hi, Everybody                         Do you believe in having big balance sheet to be the criteria for success of the banks? If you are convinced because of the theories put forth in front of you then I must say this notion is very much hypothetical. Rather vision is the important criteria which will drive you to the spot of success. Many try to bring all customer segments into their fold. In this process they not only hurt almost all customers, but also loose many customers. But they don't think it is the primary reason for the loss they suffer in the banking business. But they try to push for their own fancy products to the customers which are profitable in the form one time commission, but customers who are the main ingredient for their profitability get hurt financially in the process. As customer’s requirement is not the main agenda to study by the so called relatio...